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Friendship: Poems & Letters
$12 plus shipping & tax
The Friendship: Poems & Letters Compilation Book is a book that features poems and letters about friendship and everything that goes with it. What qualities make a good friend? What starts a frienship? What keeps friendships going? What ends a friendship? These poems capture the true essence of what friendship is, what it is not, and what it could be.
Featured Author's
Linda M. Crate
Matthew J. Wilks
Joy Overturf
Eileen Trauth
Ron Rude
Savy Overturf
Alicia Hopkins
Carolyn June-Jackson
Debbie Sheip
Chris Shamro
Oti Boateng
Dahnyell Caslow
Chaitanya Panse
Rolanda T. Pyle
Ilfa Ijlal
Doug Gates
Gary Shulman
Jessica Weyer-Bentley
MD. Imjamul Hoque Bhuiyan
Marcin Malczewski
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